
Alexa Ilacad@alexailacad
Andrea Beldua@andreabeldua
Andrea Brillantes@blythe
Angelika Dela Cruz@angelikadelacruz
Criza Taa@mscrizataa
Isabelle Daza, Sunnies Face’s Creative Director Martine Ho, Blogger Nicole Warne, and Anne Curtis@jmtubera via @martine
Isabelle Daza, Blogger Nicole Warne, Sunnies Face’s Creative Director Martine Ho, and Anne Curtis@martine
Ivana Alawi@ivanaalawi
Ivana Alawi and sister Mona Alawi@ivanaalawi
Janine Gutierrez@janinegutierrez
Janine Gutierrez and friend Luisa Mauricio@janinegutierrez
Jen Barangan@jenbarangan
Julie Anne San Jose@myjaps
Rayver Cruz@myjaps
Kathryn Bernardo@bernardokath
Kim Chiu@chinitaprincess
Michelle Vito@sweet.escape via @michellevito
Enzo Pineda and Michelle Vito@sweet.escape via @michellevito
Niana Guerrero@nianaguerrero
Rei Germar@ryanagustin_ via @reigermar
Rei Germar and Migy Romulo@reigermar
Taylor Sheesh@heyyymacyou
Vicki and Scarlet Snow Belo@scarletsnowbelo
Hayden Kho and Scarlet Snow Belo@victoria_belo